
Dossier korupcija: Nacionalni preiskovalni urad bo brez milosti
Nacionalni preiskovalni urad bo brez milosti
07.4.2009 ob 06:35

Pahor za slogan novega preiskovalnega urada uporabil slogan ex časopisa Direkt


Slovenska policija bo kmalu po vzoru na hrvaški USKOK (Ured za suzbijanje kriminala i korupcije), o katerem smo sami že pisali (in to praktično edini v Sloveniji) in povedali, da bi bilo dobro, da Slovenija ustanovi nekaj podobnega, očitno so vendarle poslušali naš nasvet, ustanovila poseben urad za boj proti korupciji in gospodarskemu kriminalu, kjer bo delovala elitna skupina, ki bo tudi ustrezno plačana (visoke plače).

Upajo, da bo urad, ki so ga poimenovali Nacionalni preiskovalni urad (NPU) povečal (sedaj naravnost mizerno) učinkovitost pri preiskovanju korupcije in gospodarskega kriminala. Njihov cilj je, da bodo imeli za 20 odstotkov več odkritih kaznivih dejanj, za 80 odstotkov več vloženih obtožnic brez dopolnitve in za 30 odstotkov več zasežene protipravno pridobljene premoženjske koristi.

Mnogi se sicer bojijo, da bo urad precej neučinkovit (kot je policija že nasploh), sploh ob nespametnih besedah nekaterih predstavnikov policije, ki so omenjali celo prav banalne primere, da bo policija preiskovala tudi v primeru, če bo kakšen tat ukradel cvetlični lonček kakšni starki, zaradi česar ta ne bo mogla zasaditi cvetlice. Vprašanje je, kaj so s tem mislili, ali to, da kljub ukvarjanju s hudimi zadevami, s katerimi se bo ukvarjal novi urad, policisti ne bodo pozabili tudi na manj pomembne zadeve, ali pa, da bo na koncu tudi NPU zasičen z malenkostnimi primeri, ki bodo v celoti zmanjšali njegovo učinkovitost.

Zanimivo je, da bo urad imel tudi poseben slogan Brez milosti. Ta slogan je svoj čas uporabljal časopis Direkt (ki je bil pod okriljem časopisne hiše Dnevnik). Direkt je prenehal obstajati. Po določenih informacijah zato, ker je bilo zoper njega vloženih preveč zahtevkov za sodni pregon, zaradi česar so se lastniki odločili, da ga raje ukinejo. Ker so se pravosodna bremena preveč nakopičila, se jim je to zdela najboljša rešitev. Direkt je v svojem najboljšem času beležil velik porast prodaje in je kazalo, da bo postal velik konkurent Slovenskim novicam , vendar so ga v tej državi s pomočjo pravosodja pokončali, če se izrazimo zelo plastično. Direkt je uporabljal slogan brez milosti.

Brez milosti bo očitno tudi NPU (to bo, če bodo upoštevali predlog Boruta Pahorja, pisalo tudi na posebnih broškah, ki jih bodo imeli pripete na sebi), vprašanje pa je, ali ne bo tudi NPU čez čas uničen, pokončan, sploh če se bo lotil vplivnih oseb, ki imajo vpliv na politične stranke in skorumpirane javne uslužbence, teh pa ni malo, sploh če upoštevamo stanje v kakšnih perifernih mestih (recimo v Novem mestu je skorumpiranega kadra v javnem sektorju ponekod precej, če je takšna kultura korupcije, kot je recimo prisotna v Novem mestu (sploh v povezavi z desnimi strankami), prisotna tudi v Ljubljani, potem sami dvomimo, ali bo NPU uspešen in neodvisen oziroma ali bo na dolgi rok sploh preživel, glede na to, da se bo ukvarjal z resnimi zadevami.).

Skratka. Bomo videli. V NPU, lahko bi rekli kar slovenskem USKOKU (čeprav je USKOK močno vezan na državno tožilstvo Hrvaške, NPU pa bo bolj na policijo, sta v globalu podobna, praktično enaka zadeva) bo zaposlenih 80 ljudi. Se bo videlo, če bodo kaj naredili.

Glede na to, kako se je Katarina Kresal, notranja ministrica, ob predstavitvi urada s strani gospoda Boruta Pahorja, premierja, nasmihala in bila prav prešerne volje, očitno ta oblast misli resno.

Na koncu še pomembna informacija. Urad bo predvidoma začel z delom 1. januarja 2010 (oziroma takrat bo njegov status postal pravno veljaven, ta dan, ko je praznik, pa seveda ne bo deloval, ali pač).

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Avtor: Tony Lokacija: Kočevje in okolica - 04.3.2019 ob 02:02 - IP shranjen
I have tried sending you a message but I got an auto reply saying the message was not delivered so here goes again. Do let me know if you have received it this time around.
I would like to contribute an article to your blog on how cryptocurrencies are reshaping the online casinos. I have used a couple of online casinos myself and personally, I found the option to pay with cryptos to be much more discrete and convenient so I decided to write this article. Hopefully, your readers will find it useful.
I have saved the article in a word document on my G-Drive which you can access from here:
I am very sorry but I did not have the time to collect some images so please feel free to add some of your own.
If you like my article, I can write a couple more as and when I get some time (it is chukka at work!).
Have an awesome day!

Avtor: Tony Lokacija: Spodnja Gorenjska - 03.3.2019 ob 13:53 - IP shranjen
I have tried sending you a message but I got an auto reply saying the message was not delivered so here goes again. Do let me know if you have received it this time around.
I would like to contribute an article to your blog on how cryptocurrencies are reshaping the online casinos. I have used a couple of online casinos myself and personally, I found the option to pay with cryptos to be much more discrete and convenient so I decided to write this article. Hopefully, your readers will find it useful.
I have saved the article in a word document on my G-Drive which you can access from here:
I am very sorry but I did not have the time to collect some images so please feel free to add some of your own.
If you like my article, I can write a couple more as and when I get some time (it is chukka at work!).
Have an awesome day!

Avtor: Tony Lokacija: Bela krajina - 28.2.2019 ob 17:04 - IP shranjen
I have tried sending you a message but I got an auto reply saying the message was not delivered so here goes again. Do let me know if you have received it this time around.
I would like to contribute an article to your blog on how cryptocurrencies are reshaping the online casinos. I have used a couple of online casinos myself and personally, I found the option to pay with cryptos to be much more discrete and convenient so I decided to write this article. Hopefully, your readers will find it useful.
I have saved the article in a word document on my G-Drive which you can access from here:
I am very sorry but I did not have the time to collect some images so please feel free to add some of your own.
If you like my article, I can write a couple more as and when I get some time (it is chukka at work!).
Have an awesome day!

Avtor: Tony Lokacija: Zgornja Gorenjska - 27.2.2019 ob 22:18 - IP shranjen
I have tried sending you a message but I got an auto reply saying the message was not delivered so here goes again. Do let me know if you have received it this time around.
I would like to contribute an article to your blog on how cryptocurrencies are reshaping the online casinos. I have used a couple of online casinos myself and personally, I found the option to pay with cryptos to be much more discrete and convenient so I decided to write this article. Hopefully, your readers will find it useful.
I have saved the article in a word document on my G-Drive which you can access from here:
I am very sorry but I did not have the time to collect some images so please feel free to add some of your own.
If you like my article, I can write a couple more as and when I get some time (it is chukka at work!).
Have an awesome day!

Avtor: Tony Lokacija: Uredništvo - 27.2.2019 ob 15:42 - IP shranjen
I have tried sending you a message but I got an auto reply saying the message was not delivered so here goes again. Do let me know if you have received it this time around.
I would like to contribute an article to your blog on how cryptocurrencies are reshaping the online casinos. I have used a couple of online casinos myself and personally, I found the option to pay with cryptos to be much more discrete and convenient so I decided to write this article. Hopefully, your readers will find it useful.
I have saved the article in a word document on my G-Drive which you can access from here:
I am very sorry but I did not have the time to collect some images so please feel free to add some of your own.
If you like my article, I can write a couple more as and when I get some time (it is chukka at work!).
Have an awesome day!

Avtor: Tony Lokacija: Posavje - 23.2.2019 ob 23:42 - IP shranjen
I have tried sending you a message but I got an auto reply saying the message was not delivered so here goes again. Do let me know if you have received it this time around.
I would like to contribute an article to your blog on how cryptocurrencies are reshaping the online casinos. I have used a couple of online casinos myself and personally, I found the option to pay with cryptos to be much more discrete and convenient so I decided to write this article. Hopefully, your readers will find it useful.
I have saved the article in a word document on my G-Drive which you can access from here:
I am very sorry but I did not have the time to collect some images so please feel free to add some of your own.
If you like my article, I can write a couple more as and when I get some time (it is chukka at work!).
Have an awesome day!

Avtor: Tony Lokacija: Podravje - 23.2.2019 ob 00:38 - IP shranjen
I have tried sending you a message but I got an auto reply saying the message was not delivered so here goes again. Do let me know if you have received it this time around.
I would like to contribute an article to your blog on how cryptocurrencies are reshaping the online casinos. I have used a couple of online casinos myself and personally, I found the option to pay with cryptos to be much more discrete and convenient so I decided to write this article. Hopefully, your readers will find it useful.
I have saved the article in a word document on my G-Drive which you can access from here:
I am very sorry but I did not have the time to collect some images so please feel free to add some of your own.
If you like my article, I can write a couple more as and when I get some time (it is chukka at work!).
Have an awesome day!

Avtor: Tony Lokacija: Zasavje - 21.2.2019 ob 22:23 - IP shranjen
I have tried sending you a message but I got an auto reply saying the message was not delivered so here goes again. Do let me know if you have received it this time around.
I would like to contribute an article to your blog on how cryptocurrencies are reshaping the online casinos. I have used a couple of online casinos myself and personally, I found the option to pay with cryptos to be much more discrete and convenient so I decided to write this article. Hopefully, your readers will find it useful.
I have saved the article in a word document on my G-Drive which you can access from here:
I am very sorry but I did not have the time to collect some images so please feel free to add some of your own.
If you like my article, I can write a couple more as and when I get some time (it is chukka at work!).
Have an awesome day!

Avtor: Tony Lokacija: Dolenjska - 20.2.2019 ob 00:09 - IP shranjen
I have tried sending you a message but I got an auto reply saying the message was not delivered so here goes again. Do let me know if you have received it this time around.
I would like to contribute an article to your blog on how cryptocurrencies are reshaping the online casinos. I have used a couple of online casinos myself and personally, I found the option to pay with cryptos to be much more discrete and convenient so I decided to write this article. Hopefully, your readers will find it useful.
I have saved the article in a word document on my G-Drive which you can access from here:
I am very sorry but I did not have the time to collect some images so please feel free to add some of your own.
If you like my article, I can write a couple more as and when I get some time (it is chukka at work!).
Have an awesome day!

Avtor: Tony Lokacija: Pomurje - 17.2.2019 ob 04:21 - IP shranjen
I have tried sending you a message but I got an auto reply saying the message was not delivered so here goes again. Do let me know if you have received it this time around.
I would like to contribute an article to your blog on how cryptocurrencies are reshaping the online casinos. I have used a couple of online casinos myself and personally, I found the option to pay with cryptos to be much more discrete and convenient so I decided to write this article. Hopefully, your readers will find it useful.
I have saved the article in a word document on my G-Drive which you can access from here:
I am very sorry but I did not have the time to collect some images so please feel free to add some of your own.
If you like my article, I can write a couple more as and when I get some time (it is chukka at work!).
Have an awesome day!

Avtor: Tony Lokacija: Zgornja Gorenjska - 11.2.2019 ob 03:04 - IP shranjen
I have tried sending you a message but I got an auto reply saying the message was not delivered so here goes again. Do let me know if you have received it this time around.
I would like to contribute an article to your blog on how cryptocurrencies are reshaping the online casinos. I have used a couple of online casinos myself and personally, I found the option to pay with cryptos to be much more discrete and convenient so I decided to write this article. Hopefully, your readers will find it useful.
I have saved the article in a word document on my G-Drive which you can access from here:
I am very sorry but I did not have the time to collect some images so please feel free to add some of your own.
If you like my article, I can write a couple more as and when I get some time (it is chukka at work!).
Have an awesome day!

Avtor: Tony Lokacija: Ljubljana in okolica - 07.1.2019 ob 22:05 - IP shranjen
I have tried sending you a message but I got an auto reply saying the message was not delivered so here goes again. Do let me know if you have received it this time around.
I would like to contribute an article to your blog on how cryptocurrencies are reshaping the online casinos. I have used a couple of online casinos myself and personally, I found the option to pay with cryptos to be much more discrete and convenient so I decided to write this article. Hopefully, your readers will find it useful.
I have saved the article in a word document on my G-Drive which you can access from here:
I am very sorry but I did not have the time to collect some images so please feel free to add some of your own.
If you like my article, I can write a couple more as and when I get some time (it is chukka at work!).
Have an awesome day!

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